Performance note

Published at 5:40 PM in

the new avatar I've added only runs in internet explorer. Safari does not support it..:(....have fun watching him.I'll be making a new one soon!


Latale vs Maplestory?

Published at 6:53 AM in

I've been thinking about downloading latale, cuz maplestory is just frankly, getting boring. I know some of you out there have knowledge about these....cough coucg kali..........who is biased XP


Ipad cases

Published at 6:50 AM in

Dilemma! I want an ipad as soon as possible, but i'll have to wait until a few cases come out!!! I'm hoping for a clamcase for ipad 2 and a screen protector and apple's smartcover thing!!

Apple's smart cover: http://www.apple.com/ipad/smart-cover/
Ipad 2:http://www.apple.com/ipad/features/


Survivor competition

Published at 6:47 AM in

Griffon technology  is holding a contest--you can win a free ipod and case! just submit all your crazy ideas of destruction and rigorous trials of death to here: http://www.griffintechnology.com/armored#realProof 

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