hey everyone,
I've noticed that not many of you are commenting, and I hope more of you can bring people to visit this growing blog. I will be hosting a comment contest here, the rules are simple:
1.Begin commenting on my posts, the more the better
2.Get others to join too! they must include reference to you in order for you to get points.
3.Follow me, and help the growing community!
comment on this posts please!
The winner will be rewarded with admin, blogger, and be able to post on a blog--winner can choose the name too!
*Contest rules: Contest may end without notice, take advantage soon! The blog will be under my domain, and the winner shall not have control to the account. They will specifically be given admin status, with the abilities to post and delete comments. contest is subject to Publisher's opinion and publisher has supreme power. The winner shall be determined by publisher.
Comment competition
Published at 6:42 PM in
new wordpress blog
Published at 12:16 PM in
as many of you have noticed, this blog has been going through many different phases, the template, data, etc. I have started a new blog on wordpress. the most popular blog platforms are blogger and wordpress, so I've decided to try both/ wordpress has better templates, but does not allow for as much cutomization as wordpress. thanks
Pokemon Friend codes
Published at 7:22 PM in
i havn't had time to write mine down, but please post your friends codes here, I will postmine tomorrow!
Pokemon Black and white
Published at 7:21 PM in
actually, you can get pokemon for at least $5 cheaper here:
Pokemon black and white:D
Published at 12:09 PM in
I got pokemon black yesterday! and before you start criticizing me, here are my reasons:
-it has the black city with trainers!!
and about the white forest, well my brother got white, so i can trade with him
i'll tell you all my friend code, but i havn't written it down, and you can look at the games here:
ahh....I beat the first gym:)
<----click for info!
Post frequency
Published at 9:48 AM in
Hi everyone! I know alot of you have been seeing the same posts over and over. I'll try ti post more often, but no promises. If I see though that there are alot of new visitors I'll start teaching you how ti make money with a website or blog.
Festival score
Published at 5:07 PM in
Haha! I was just with my band at kenmore middle school.we were there for festival, a competition between the prominent local schools. There are 3 or 4 categories, and they score you 1-4, 1 being the best. Guess what we got? Straight ones! I'll try to get a recording up.
PS. I know most of my views are from friends. Please reach out to others who I might not know and inform other people on fb, email, games, whatever, but spread the word!
P.P.S. Please follow me and sign up for the email list! Thanks
E-mail list
Published at 6:53 PM in
Hey everyone, I'm writing from a starbucks! So anyways, if you would like to be added to my email list to be informed about news, etc, please leave a comment with you name and email. Thanks!
Performance note
Published at 5:40 PM in
the new avatar I've added only runs in internet explorer. Safari does not support it..:(....have fun watching him.I'll be making a new one soon!
Latale vs Maplestory?
Published at 6:53 AM in
I've been thinking about downloading latale, cuz maplestory is just frankly, getting boring. I know some of you out there have knowledge about these....cough coucg kali..........who is biased XP
Ipad cases
Published at 6:50 AM in
Dilemma! I want an ipad as soon as possible, but i'll have to wait until a few cases come out!!! I'm hoping for a clamcase for ipad 2 and a screen protector and apple's smartcover thing!!
Apple's smart cover: http://www.apple.com/ipad/smart-cover/
Ipad 2:http://www.apple.com/ipad/features/
Survivor competition
Published at 6:47 AM in
Griffon technology is holding a contest--you can win a free ipod and case! just submit all your crazy ideas of destruction and rigorous trials of death to here: http://www.griffintechnology.com/armored#realProof
TI-84 games :D
Published at 6:20 PM in
In my spare time recently, I've been getting games for my TI. so far the only one I have is pokemon red, but hey, it's a start! anyways......yeah.
I-pad 2
Published at 12:17 PM in
the ipad 2 is announced today, but news is that it won't be sold for another 2-4 weeks....and rumors are that ipad 3 will come out in the fall!!! I finally can get one, but should I wait? Probably not!:P I plan to get an ipad and a clamcase for it. find info on it here: http://clamcase.com/
The Beginning
Published at 12:06 PM in
it's about 12:04 now....and I'm typing away in my cimputer solutions class...yeah....anyways, this is a personal bllog just about things that I notice sometimes....